How we came to bean

The story so far

Yellow Kettle Coffee was born in the summer of 2020 as lockdowns loomed and working from home became the norm. We both wanted a change and wanted to start something new.

With over 35 years of experience in the coffee industry, it made sense to stick to what we know. We felt we knew enough about coffee, especially good coffee, to develop our own little brand.

By selling coffee that is enjoyable for everyone, even the self-proclaimed ‘not big coffee drinkers’ we felt we could keep everyone happy.

Due to the increase in people working from home, we wanted to bring you the joy of great coffee to your lunchtimes, without even leaving the house. All our coffee can be ground to suit all your needs.

We really hope you enjoy your Yellow Kettle Coffee and always love hearing all the feedback. The good, bad and even the ugly.

Your support is always greatly appreciated.

All the best,

Sophie and Co.